Member Political Organizer FAQ

 What is the Member Political Organizer (MPO) Program?

Member Political Organizers (MPO’s) work from Summer through Election Day on years we have a statewide election. The MPO program helps members make a difference and grow in their leadership, organizing skills, and knowledge of politics. MPO’s work to elect champions who will fight alongside us for the things we need. Along the way, we build power in ourselves and in our workplaces and neighborhoods, using our voices and stories to strengthen the fight for the world we deserve. 

What do MPO’s do?

MPO’s do election work by getting the word out about our endorsed candidates and increasing voter participation in our communities. That means we call, text, and doorknock talking to fellow union members and Minnesota voters! We spend time training to build our skills and connecting with other SEIU members so that everyone is prepared and supported. 

Do MPO’s get paid?

Yes! Election work is often done in the evenings and weekends, so many take on this work as a seasonal part time job in addition to their regular job. Some will come do this work while on a leave from their regular job. MPO’s work both part time and full time. 

When does the MPO program start?

MPO work begins in mid-June of statewide election years, but it’s never too early to build our team. If you have any interest or questions, the first step is contacting Laura Carpenter, Political Organizer at the SEIU MN State Council. (A side note: Laura works for SEIU now but was a member of SEIU Local 284 and was a MPO herself, so she can talk through the experience and whether it is right for you!)

Why does SEIU engage in elections? 

The people who get elected across our state will go on to make big decisions about our lives. We deserve to have elected representatives who see us, listen to us, and work to make things better for us! 

MPO’s work directly with or in support of candidates running for office & build relationships with SEIU endorsed candidates who (hopefully!) become our elected representatives and the champions we can count on to uplift the issues that matter most to us. We’re working to WIN our shared vision for a Minnesota where we can all thrive!  

Is this right for me?

If you’ve read this far, it probably is! The most important thing an MPO needs to have is a desire to make things better for your union siblings, neighbors, and our communities. The rest is covered in our trainings. Let’s talk about what you care about and how we can connect you to opportunities to make a difference!  

What has SEIU member’s experience been?

“Before I joined my union’s election work, I didn’t think what I said or felt mattered or made a difference. But I can tell you that thousands of voter contacts and countless deep conversations with voters has made it clear that I was wrong. I know that me, a regular person, talking with other regular people who have similar experiences to me helped change this election.” 

Troy, a SEIU Local 26 member who had not previously been deeply involved in politics, shared his experience in a piece that was published on the Minnesota Reformer news site. You can read his whole piece HERE

Contact Laura Carpenter for more information,, 612-998-6555