SEIU 2020 Endorsements

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No matter what part of the state we live in, the color of our skin or the religion we practice, Minnesota families want pretty similar things: good jobs to provide for our loved one, decent healthcare that we can afford, quality public schools that let our kids reach their full potential, safe communities. But certain politicians and corporate lobbyists intentionally divide us so they can distract us while they work towards their real goal: increasing corporate profits and CEO Pay. Their actions hurt everyone by holding down wages and benefits, taking away shared resources by handing huge tax breaks to the very wealthy and big corporations, and cutting the funds needed for shared resources like public schools. Then they turn around and point the finger for our hard times at poor families, black people and new immigrants. We can do better!

Our families need solutions, not division. This is why need to vote Nov. 3 for candidates who stand with working families!

Check below for candidates who have been endorsed by SEIU members and make sure to vote on (or before) November 3rd!

This is an independent expenditure prepared and paid for by SEIU Minn State Council Political Fund, 2233 University Ave W, #422, St. Paul MN, 55114 and United We Can, It is not authorized by, coordinated with or approved by any candidate nor is any candidate responsible for it.


SEIU Endorses Melvin Carter for Reelection as Mayor of St. Paul


SEIU 2019 Endorsements